Thursday, February 19, 2009

More UK bullshit

First off, go here:

ok, if you're unsure how I feel, there was a similar incident a while ago in the UK in which a German figurehead was denied admittance to the UK to show an anti-Muslim film, and as much as I personally don't like the message one fucking bit, he should be allowed to show what he wishes...

As much as I hate that idiot and all of his too stupid to be heartfelt ideas, you should let the man protest.

Freedom of speech goes two ways. You may not like it, but then again, you don't have to listen....or you can walk by and tell him to "fuck off".

Next, by banning this guy, you're just fueling him. You're giving his followers more reason to be angry.

Speaking of followers....this dumbass owns a SMALL CHURCH IN THE MIDDLE OF FUCKING NOWHERE! MOST OF HIS CONGREGATION AT HIS CHURCH IS HIS FAMILY!!! By acknowledging him and taking action to prevent his entry, you, a rather powerful nation, are saying "we fear what this insignificant homophobic and a few of his inbred followers have to say."

And really, have you been to his website? Godhatesfagsdotwhateverwhogivesafuck

I remember when I was younger I used to go to that site to laugh hysterically at that nonsense in the same way I go to The Onion or MarkDay's youtube page.

Anybody with a few brain cells active know that guys like this are better at being punchlines than inspiring speakers.

If you really wanted to have fun, greet him at the airport and tell him he is allowed entry only under the condition that he is given a necklace of little plastic dicks to wear...each dick will have a speaker in the head and a little hole where the fun shoots the balls, there will be a micro SD card slot...and in that card will be the ENTIRE VILLAGE PEOPLE DISCOGRAPHY SET AT MAX VOLUME ON REPEAT. Lock that thing around his neck and make sure it can't come off or be destroyed very easily and set him loose to spread his anti-gay nonsense. Oh, and maybe put some pink LEDs in the dicks to make then flicker pink light in time with the music....

Let's see if he would ever come back to the UK after that!

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